Saturday 10 July 2010

Frank Sidebottom

It was sad when Frank died, it was good to see so many people turned out for him at his funeral.
RIP Frank...


Went to see my mate Matty's band in Letchworth  at the Arena Tavern, never been there before but a cool place. Only small but that's how I like it! The bar stuff were friendly and they have gigs every week, so feel free to check it out.
This was their first gig for a few years, not sure if they're on a comeback eh Matt?
Floodline were good, performing all their own songs, with some nice riffs and funky bass lines.

The singer Ryan reminded me of someone, with his voice, but I can't think who, then decided it doesn't really matter. They had some nice songs. I've uploaded Nowhere to Run on to You Tube.
As Matt used to work with us, all the girls from work came to cheer him on. When I was filming all I could hear was Fluff giving it large behind me, hassling Matt's sister for a job. Matt said he was nervous but it didn't show. I was surprised they gave him a mike, but he didn't abuse it! Next time though someone should say what the songs are called! It was lovely to see him and Vix, his naturally beautiful girlfriend, a true blonde and very smart! It was good to see Matt although he was buzzing about so didn't see him for too long. Also to meet Sarah his sister, when she arrived and they greeted  it was like watching Smiffy and Rudi from Gavin and Stacey, dead funny! But that's Matty Dredd.
It was so hot though as soon as they had finished we went outside again. Mostly to have a fag. So I missed the main band but caught a bit when I went in for a wee. It was the sound bloke in the band, they sounded quite good, but it was too hot to stay. Must try and catch them another time.
Next gig; chaos:baby at the Barfly Tuesday 13 July.........

Sonic Rock Solstice

So, off to Wales, near Builth Wells for the Sonic Rock Solstice. I was a bit apprehensive cos it usually rains in Wales, but read the weather forecast and they said it was gonna be hot hot hot!! So we ditched the wellies and set off. We had hired a tranny van, bunged my Nan's old 2 seater sofa in, rug for the floor, loaded all the camping stuff in and we were off. We had to go and pick up our mate Horse and his girlfriend. So then me and the dog volunteered to sit on the sofa in the back for the journey, rather than try and all squash in the front and be asking for a tug! Well that was an experience, it absolutely pissed down with rain near Wales and it was a bit scary not being able to see what was happening. I could feel the tires aquaplaning! My imagination was working overtime; what if we crashed? I decided in that event to cover the dog on the settee and hang on to the arm and use the settee for cover !!
Fortunately it only lasted about 10 minutes then apparently it was OK, I could see a bit through two little holes near the sliding door, but could see the sun was out!
When we arrived in the late afternoon the sun was still out and it was warm. Perfect camping weather. We camped next to the chill out tent, which was handy. It was run by Sarah and Dipper and helped by Mark.
They provided tea, coffee and grub, I was never sure if money changed hands, it was quite popular. I got talking to Mark on the Saturday and ended up in there, 'chilling' :)/
To be perfectly honest I don't go for the music particularly. It's just such a chilled atmos and there was only about 500 people there. The dog loves it, she wanders about gruffing at people minding their own biz.
It's good to see Nik Turner though, he has a real presence. He popped up, a couple of times, to the chill out tent with his mate who looked like he needed oxygen! (We were on the top of a small hill, but the view was fantastic)
A fab weekend, roll on next year...

Thursday 17 June 2010


I bloody hate cats, the kitten next door has stalked the Robin nesting in the garden and robbed his 2 chicks!
She didn't even have the decency to eat them! Bastard!

Wednesday 16 June 2010


I went to see chaos:baby last week, they are a great band. So pure...anyway, they've been away for a bit replacing the bassist and drummer and adding another guitarist, having seen both incarnations I have to say I prefer this one. chaos:baby are growing up.
The singer Laura Le Rox does like a scream but with the new line up, it's more controlled. As is the whole sound, it still is very raw but the rhythm is tight. The extra guitar and backing vocals by the lovely Holly (she's ginger, as Laura introduced her) adds depth to the sound. They've got some great songs and a few new ones which seem to be more mature. 'Heroine' is a song about sharing a house with junkies who nick your stuff all the time.'Hiv Barbie' is about a girl who rated herself, was a bit of a slapper and ended up with hiv. New songs 'Fight Manual/Get your liver' ready is class, Laura's vocals having the slightest hint of Poly Styrene.
So they are doing a couple of gigs in London soon so if you get a chance get yourself a dose of chaos, you know you want to.
I'm off to Sonic Rock Solstice this weekend, so will let you know how it goes.
Have a rocking weekend...

Thursday 27 May 2010

Funny old time

It's been a funny old has been stressful, management unhelpful. That's what happens in large companies I s'pose. Unfortunately I have to work, else I would have told them where to stick it! So I'm looking for a new job along with a few million others!
On the up side it's been a good month for one of my favourite pastimes, going to gigs.
So me and a couple of friends had the pleasure of seeing the Slits at the Islington Academy. What a brilliant gig, it was like a big family party. Ari is so funny she cracks me up, she still has the mischievous young girl about her. She does love a costume change and nearly every song is either taking something off or putting something on. But she is nobody's fool and takes no shit. The Slits have progressed but still maintain the punk ideal, more than any other band I can think of that are still going from 76 (are there any?). 
The music is obviously (to me anyway) reggae based as Ari has always been rasta woman. No easy feat either, anyone who knows about the Rastafarian way of life and their behaviour towards women will get that one. They haven't left their punk roots either with the song 'Reject' that could easily be a track from the Peel Sessions. They have grown in size too, up front Ari has a companion in the form of Hollie Cook who enhances the mischief, she also plays keyboards and sings. Tessa Pollitt is the only other original member, a fantastic bass player providing a solid rhythm. 
So, as Ari reminds us, the Slits were the first punk girl band and all the 'others' just conveniently distort their memories to claim THEY were. The Slits are as passionate and real now as they were in 76. Gawd bless 'em.
Another thing, it always surprises me the age of Slits fans, there were a lot of old punks but also a lot of youngsters (showing me age now) . In this age of Cheryl Cole and the like it's good to see not all kids are brainwashed by the Cowell/Walsh bollocks.
So that was that, next gig was The-Front at the Bridgehouse. I'd never seen The-Front before, not difficult as this is their first UK tour ever in their 10 year history. They are from the good ole USA, my mate Laura has loved them for years. She had been in touch with Lauren (singer) and they had arranged to meet so she came along to the Slits gig. She is such a nice american. (Now I have american relations who are lovely, so I know they exist!) Just a normal gal from Wyoming. But blimey she get on stage and belts out the songs, her voice to me is reminiscent of Juliette Lewis, not a bad thing! More punky but still tuneful. She has a real stage presence.

The band are an extremely tight three piece providing driving rhythms. The drummer Dustan is a lovely chap who turns into Animal from the Muppets when sat at his kit, Although he did remind me of Ed Byrne, the comedian. The bassist Mike plays heavy rhythmic bass lines that make you go aaaah, it's so nice to hear a bass being played properly. Steve the guitar man is equally competent providing some lovely riffs, you can tell these guys love each other and love playing together. Obviously not in a hippy way or else that wouldn't be punk would it?
Oh nearly forgot, Lauren dragged Laura on stage for the song Death Dress,  the video is on You Tube.
Right I'm off for now... The-Front still have a couple of dates in the UK left, if it's near you do yourself a favour and go and have some fun.