Monday 26 July 2010

Rosie 'You got credit?' Lawrence

Every time Laura's friend Rosie met someone she knew at Rhythms. Her first question was have you got credit? It tickled me. In my day, or 'back in the day' as my hot dog loving friend from last blog said, all you had to worry about was if you had 2p for the phone and the phone box didn't smell too bad of piss and there were no puddles.

Sunday 25 July 2010

Stevenage is a clitoris

Hugh Cornwell played last night at Rhythms of the World in Hitchin. absolutely brilliant! It was 50/50 Stranglers and new stuff. Fucking great to hear Peaches, Duchess, Golden Brown, Hanging Around, Grip, Down in the Sewer oh go on then and Walk on By. At the time they released  WOB I thought 'WTF' but it was still good.
He did a few songs off his free download album Hooverdam and a version of the White Room. The highlight for me was Always the Sun, like a fecking eejut I forgot my camera so only managed a couple of snippets of video from my phone, It was excellent the audience singing at the top of their voice, nearly bought a tear to me eye. The girly on bass was grinning like a cheshire cat at the reception they got and deserved. Very tight band, good sound and top quality atmos! I'll pop the photos in when I get a chance.
Surprisingly bumped in to a couple of people I knew, Elena, the girl from the bakers and me Julie from the sweet shop in Sun Street. Had an interesting chat with 2 lads behind me in the queue for a hotdog. They were taking the piss, quoting me the Aviva advert about dropping acid and festivals back in the day. How ironic? I hadn't had any acid at all!! One of them redeemed himself by telling me he had a Suzuki SV650, so we were biker pals from then.
It was much more packed than last year, but I think I went Sunday last year. The toilets stank and when I was watching Hugh the smell was starting to waft over! Can't be arsed to go back today, Glen Matlock is the highlight today, not for me he ain't!
It's no wonder they don't hold it in the town anymore though. People are fucking animals. Buy food, sit down, eat food, get up walk away. Leave plates, knives and forks and leftovers on the ground!! What's that all about. Clean up you dirty basts!
Laters potatoes
Oh to explain the title Hughy replaced clitoris with Stevenage in Peaches...

Thursday 15 July 2010

Book of the week

You know it's Don Letts, mainly because I don't read books very often, this is probably the first book of the year.
It's interesting to read from a black mans point of view about growing up in Brixton in the 60s and 70s. Ha, he reminded of Jean Machine, we used to have one in Romford, and it was so hip, they had cowboy saloon doors! I thought that was great. I remember being confused ("never confused") that what cowboys wore was available for everyone. But I was only about 8 or 9.
I haven't got to the Punk bit yet, so I'll let you know later.

Sunday 11 July 2010

Don Letts

This week I will mainly be reading Don Letts' Culture Fluff as on holiday I will be Billy no mates at lunchtime. It's good for a change though not having her rabbitting in me ear.

Saturday 10 July 2010

Frank Sidebottom

It was sad when Frank died, it was good to see so many people turned out for him at his funeral.
RIP Frank...


Went to see my mate Matty's band in Letchworth  at the Arena Tavern, never been there before but a cool place. Only small but that's how I like it! The bar stuff were friendly and they have gigs every week, so feel free to check it out.
This was their first gig for a few years, not sure if they're on a comeback eh Matt?
Floodline were good, performing all their own songs, with some nice riffs and funky bass lines.

The singer Ryan reminded me of someone, with his voice, but I can't think who, then decided it doesn't really matter. They had some nice songs. I've uploaded Nowhere to Run on to You Tube.
As Matt used to work with us, all the girls from work came to cheer him on. When I was filming all I could hear was Fluff giving it large behind me, hassling Matt's sister for a job. Matt said he was nervous but it didn't show. I was surprised they gave him a mike, but he didn't abuse it! Next time though someone should say what the songs are called! It was lovely to see him and Vix, his naturally beautiful girlfriend, a true blonde and very smart! It was good to see Matt although he was buzzing about so didn't see him for too long. Also to meet Sarah his sister, when she arrived and they greeted  it was like watching Smiffy and Rudi from Gavin and Stacey, dead funny! But that's Matty Dredd.
It was so hot though as soon as they had finished we went outside again. Mostly to have a fag. So I missed the main band but caught a bit when I went in for a wee. It was the sound bloke in the band, they sounded quite good, but it was too hot to stay. Must try and catch them another time.
Next gig; chaos:baby at the Barfly Tuesday 13 July.........

Sonic Rock Solstice

So, off to Wales, near Builth Wells for the Sonic Rock Solstice. I was a bit apprehensive cos it usually rains in Wales, but read the weather forecast and they said it was gonna be hot hot hot!! So we ditched the wellies and set off. We had hired a tranny van, bunged my Nan's old 2 seater sofa in, rug for the floor, loaded all the camping stuff in and we were off. We had to go and pick up our mate Horse and his girlfriend. So then me and the dog volunteered to sit on the sofa in the back for the journey, rather than try and all squash in the front and be asking for a tug! Well that was an experience, it absolutely pissed down with rain near Wales and it was a bit scary not being able to see what was happening. I could feel the tires aquaplaning! My imagination was working overtime; what if we crashed? I decided in that event to cover the dog on the settee and hang on to the arm and use the settee for cover !!
Fortunately it only lasted about 10 minutes then apparently it was OK, I could see a bit through two little holes near the sliding door, but could see the sun was out!
When we arrived in the late afternoon the sun was still out and it was warm. Perfect camping weather. We camped next to the chill out tent, which was handy. It was run by Sarah and Dipper and helped by Mark.
They provided tea, coffee and grub, I was never sure if money changed hands, it was quite popular. I got talking to Mark on the Saturday and ended up in there, 'chilling' :)/
To be perfectly honest I don't go for the music particularly. It's just such a chilled atmos and there was only about 500 people there. The dog loves it, she wanders about gruffing at people minding their own biz.
It's good to see Nik Turner though, he has a real presence. He popped up, a couple of times, to the chill out tent with his mate who looked like he needed oxygen! (We were on the top of a small hill, but the view was fantastic)
A fab weekend, roll on next year...