Saturday 16 June 2012

Art and Fencing

Yesterday me and him indoors went to Farm Lane, Fulham to see my cousin Bob's exhibition of Art. It was a mixture of paintings and the surroundings they were shown in. Farm Lane is a lovely little trading estate which is about to be bulldozed. So the exhibition showed the neglect of the building along with some of Bob's paintings. The owner is sure to make a pretty penny from the sale of the land, probably for another shopping centre and cinema complex. It was good to see old Bob, I haven't seen him for a few years and his kids are now 13 and 11. It was quite strange to hear him being called Dad. His boys were very in to it and were making suggestions where he could put things and how they should be laid out. Quite a few turned out for him which was nice. It was all a bit beyond me to be honest, paintings were good 'splash' paintings, but I struggle when people add meanings to these things. Still I've seen a lot worse made a right fuss of, so good on him. You can check it out for yourself on his Facebook page;
At home we are doing our own painting, namely fence panels and shed. All part of fixing up the garden, hopefully in readiness of a new dog. It was so windy though today it was quite annoying after a time. Still nearly done painting. The fence should be done by next weekend, depending on the weather. While painting I had my i-pod on to the tune of Helen and Martin's album Cafe of Tiny Kindnesses, which they should have called the Love album. Inspired by weekends in Barcelona, it is a lovely collection of songs, some with a real spanish feel.
A parcel arrived too; Father's Day pressie for him indoors and card and a birthday card for me! I am 49 on Tuesday, one day before pay day so will be absolutely skint, not even a birthday cake, still at my age cakes go straight to the hips so maybe it's for the best.

Monday 11 June 2012


It's also 2 months today my Dad died, so I am feeling a bit sad. Miss the old git.

National Ride to Work Day

It's National Ride to Work Day on Monday Something which I do everyday regardless of the weather; snow being the only exception!
They mean motorbikes not pushbikes. So what if everyone did go and get a CBT and start? It'd be murrder I reckon. Some people are just not made to ride or drive. It's bad enough getting stuck behind someone on a bike who blatantly shouldn't bother. I know we all have to start somewhere but keep out of the DD's (daily drivers) way! What is the point of having a bike and sitting in traffic? Bikes were made to filter down the outside. So if you are going to ride properly, do it, if not please don't bother! Here is the link to the page which also says I should take someone pillion., er don't think so!

Sunday 3 June 2012

Her Majesty Live

Here's a little vidayo from yesterday

Her Majesty

No. not Lizzie, don't worry I haven't gone all royalist. It's my friend Laura's band. They had their first gig last night at the Crash Festival at Nambucca in the Holloway Road. I was looking forward to seeing Laura perform as she split from her last band last year and for a while was in limbo. But as she is really committed to her music it didn't take too long for her to meet like minded souls. It's an all girl group which to some can be daunting, there are still dinosaurs out there who think that all girls can't do it, you must have a bloke in there to give cohesion. Well not here. It's the usual set up, guitar, bass, singer, drummer and also a keyboard player, which having known LeRox for long I was surprised at, but it works well. Apparently Rosie was classically trained on the old joanna so she does know her sharps from her flats. I think most of the girls have been in bands before, so they all know the game. Gemma Clarke who has a mass of blonde hair and is reminiscent of Animal from the Muppets when she gets going has played with Pete Docherty previously, but don't let that put you off. She bashes the skins like billy-o, always with a huge smile on her face. Mercedes the guitarist had an issue with a foot pedal which delayed action for a bit, but soon got cracking with some funky riffs. The bass player, sorry I don't know her name yet was like most bass players, just standing out of the way of Laura, but that's not a bad thing with Laura she does like to move about a bit, and will make her own space! But bass was driving and a bit up and down not just plink, plink. (can you tell I'm not a musician?) The constant was the keyboards, running behind keeping it all together. Bloody marvellous. I wish them the best of luck, They have been in the studio recently so some sort of release is imminent. I'll keep you posted. There wasn't a no photographs rule so here are some pictures. Unfortunately I couldn't get them all in, hence 3 pictures. Gawd bless Her Majesty long may you reign.

Friday 1 June 2012

Joan Armatrading

I went to see Joan at the Stables Milton Keynes with me Julie and my friend Hotpot.
What a fantastic gig. The venue is superb, apparently designed by Cleo and John Dankworth, so the acoustics were brilliant. It's set in countryside and some people were having a picnic in the grounds. We decided there wasn't a bad seat in the house. It is reasonably small, around 200 seats so perfect for me as I don't like big places.
Joan was fabulous, I'd never seen her live only on the telly at Glasto and other programmes. I was really moved during the whole performance, It was so moving to see the songs I had been singing for years performed less than 30 feet away. She started with Show some Emotion, mixed it up with a few songs from her new album Starlight, she did all the classics.. Me Myself I, I Love it When you Call me Names, All the way from America,
Love and Affection, where the drummer got up and played a beautiful Sax solo. Bloody marvellous, I thought I was the only one with a tear in my eye, turns out me Julie and Hotpot were equally affected. She finished off with Drop the Pilot, Willow (after being persuaded by the audience to play it) and another track from Starlight.
I shouted for Rosie but was told by her 'Don't you start',  Turned out she was signing CDs and whatever you  wanted (within reason) in the foyer afterwards. I asked why no Rosie and it just wasn't in the set list for this tour, so I guess I'll have to go again next tour. I highly recommend anyone thinking twice about going, to go, This tour appears to be smaller venues which is better in my view. I was pleasantly surprised that she was speaking to the audience, some artists just chat shit let's be honest, but she was very entertaining, she didn't have much choice at one point when she strummed her guitar and she thought it was out of tune, so promptly took it off stage to her guitar tech girly to sort out, proclaiming 'I obviously don't know how to tune a guitar'.
She admitted she had been presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award the previous night in Uttoxeter, not for guitar tuning then Joan. Well deserved that is too. As she said it is a bit worrying, do people think you're getting near death, so better give her an award while we can. So good one Joanie, what a lovely lady, see you next year unless it's the O2 or Wembers. I would have posted a picture but there is a no photographs policy at the venue, which I think it pants, I was thinking of flouting it but didn't want to get thrown out!

Sunday 29 April 2012

Oh Fuck!

I have just realised it's been more than a year since I have been here.. outrageous. This will have something to do with the fact that 2011 was shit. Daisy Dog had to be put to sleep in April after we discovered she had cancer. I wasn't happy with the Vet and the way they dealt with it but that's life, and death I s'pose.
It has really taken ages to get used to not having her about. Not that you ever get over the death of a friend.

So I thought 2012 would be better. How wrong I was. My dear old Dad passed away in April, confirming that I hate April and Death is horrible, at any age.
The only consolation as my granddaughter tells me about April is that is also her birthday, she was ten this year so that was the proverbial silver lining.
It was lovely to spend time with her the day after Dad's funeral, reminding you that life does indeed go on..she is a joy.
So hopefully we will be off camping and going to festies this year. It can only get better surely!

On a brighter note I went to see my friend Helen Reddington (aka McCookerybook) the author of the Lost Women of Rock amongst other things. She was doing a talk about the book at David's Book Shop in Letchworth. It was very interesting as she has interviewed lots of women for the book with some interesting stories. You must buy the book to find out. It is now available in a more affordable soft back edition and well worth the dosh.
David's shop is fascinating, he also sells second hand vinyl. Yes vinyl. They have a little coffee shop too and for Helen's night there were free home made cookies...mmmmm. I must pop back there in the day time to have a good nose around, I recommend you do the same.