Friday 17 December 2010

Hawkwind, Snow and Punctures

Went to see Hawkwind last night at Bedford Corn Exchange. I must have a word, I only knew one song! All that back catalogue and they do the most obscure stuff, as for the new tunes...well...boring about sums it up! The song Sentinel had shades of 'Year of the Cat'...ugh! I couldn't even be bothered to take any pictures!!
I'm sure Mr Dibs (bass) is a lovely bloke, but he just doesn't fit in. And they had two bass players, what's that all about? Richard the drummer was on good form and for once I could hear what he was playing. Poor sod wasn't on a riser though so although he was singing you couldn't see him!
The dancers were good fun though, two young girly's on stilts with masks and fancy costumes, very effective, although given the age of the band, I kept thinking whose daughters are they?
I haven't been able to get to any gigs before that as I had a puncture on a bald tyre and no money to get new ones. Now I have got money and the bikes in the shop the bleeding tyres haven't arrived!
Bloody snow too.....supposed to be going to see the grandaughter tomorrow but think it will be too risky, even if the tyres do come!
I haven't even been able to get to the Perseverance, one of my favourite haunts for quirky entertainment and some excellent musicians!