Sunday 22 November 2015

Helen, Martin and Stephen

Went to a great gig last night in Chelmsford.  It seemed like ages since I had seen Helen and Martin. I didn't know Stephen Foster-Pilkington but he was very funny and put on a good show. He also had a familiarity about him. So I felt like I knew him. His voice sounded a bit Pete Shelley of the Buzzcocks. He did a thing where he mimed to a recording from his latest album, which you could purchase for a fiver on a memory stick. That answers the problem of artwork! A funnier sight was hard to find as he 'danced' Eddie Tenpole style, leg flaying out to the side, banging the beat.
Helen was next and had her lovely telecaster which she plays so precisely. She sung about four or five tunes, ending with my fave 'Heaven Avenue'.  Martin was called up to accompany on an acoustic. Coincidentally this is about Helen's acid tripping experience. Only the once as she thought it would never be that good second time. A million heroin addicts are screaming. Why didn't I see it like that?
Next was Mr Stephenson. He was on good form considering it was the third gig in three nights. He returned the favour to Helen and he played the Airship song while Helen sang. Stephen had also been called back to accompany Martin with his electric violin for 'Little Red Bottle'.
All in all a rocking night. Always recommend Helen and Martins gigs. Proper feel good factor.