Saturday 16 June 2012

Art and Fencing

Yesterday me and him indoors went to Farm Lane, Fulham to see my cousin Bob's exhibition of Art. It was a mixture of paintings and the surroundings they were shown in. Farm Lane is a lovely little trading estate which is about to be bulldozed. So the exhibition showed the neglect of the building along with some of Bob's paintings. The owner is sure to make a pretty penny from the sale of the land, probably for another shopping centre and cinema complex. It was good to see old Bob, I haven't seen him for a few years and his kids are now 13 and 11. It was quite strange to hear him being called Dad. His boys were very in to it and were making suggestions where he could put things and how they should be laid out. Quite a few turned out for him which was nice. It was all a bit beyond me to be honest, paintings were good 'splash' paintings, but I struggle when people add meanings to these things. Still I've seen a lot worse made a right fuss of, so good on him. You can check it out for yourself on his Facebook page;
At home we are doing our own painting, namely fence panels and shed. All part of fixing up the garden, hopefully in readiness of a new dog. It was so windy though today it was quite annoying after a time. Still nearly done painting. The fence should be done by next weekend, depending on the weather. While painting I had my i-pod on to the tune of Helen and Martin's album Cafe of Tiny Kindnesses, which they should have called the Love album. Inspired by weekends in Barcelona, it is a lovely collection of songs, some with a real spanish feel.
A parcel arrived too; Father's Day pressie for him indoors and card and a birthday card for me! I am 49 on Tuesday, one day before pay day so will be absolutely skint, not even a birthday cake, still at my age cakes go straight to the hips so maybe it's for the best.

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