Showing posts with label Floodline Arena Tavern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Floodline Arena Tavern. Show all posts

Saturday 10 July 2010


Went to see my mate Matty's band in Letchworth  at the Arena Tavern, never been there before but a cool place. Only small but that's how I like it! The bar stuff were friendly and they have gigs every week, so feel free to check it out.
This was their first gig for a few years, not sure if they're on a comeback eh Matt?
Floodline were good, performing all their own songs, with some nice riffs and funky bass lines.

The singer Ryan reminded me of someone, with his voice, but I can't think who, then decided it doesn't really matter. They had some nice songs. I've uploaded Nowhere to Run on to You Tube.
As Matt used to work with us, all the girls from work came to cheer him on. When I was filming all I could hear was Fluff giving it large behind me, hassling Matt's sister for a job. Matt said he was nervous but it didn't show. I was surprised they gave him a mike, but he didn't abuse it! Next time though someone should say what the songs are called! It was lovely to see him and Vix, his naturally beautiful girlfriend, a true blonde and very smart! It was good to see Matt although he was buzzing about so didn't see him for too long. Also to meet Sarah his sister, when she arrived and they greeted  it was like watching Smiffy and Rudi from Gavin and Stacey, dead funny! But that's Matty Dredd.
It was so hot though as soon as they had finished we went outside again. Mostly to have a fag. So I missed the main band but caught a bit when I went in for a wee. It was the sound bloke in the band, they sounded quite good, but it was too hot to stay. Must try and catch them another time.
Next gig; chaos:baby at the Barfly Tuesday 13 July.........